
Install and run application

How to install application

Documentation below describe how to setup and run application


Application use docker and docker compose for run. Need to have server with at list of 1Gb RAM,1 CPU and 5Gb free disc space.

Download source code

Download zip file with source code and docker-compose configuration. Unzip file.

First run

Setup run server without internal authentication

This meathod allow to setup access to the application later with Azure AD

  1. Go to undized folder
  2. Create .env file with

IP=put_your_server_ip ADM_PASSWORD=put_your_secure_password

  1. Run VERSION=$(git rev-parse HEAD) docker-compose build nginx-with-front (might take 10-15 mins)
  2. Run docker-compose up -d (might take 5-10 mins)
  3. run docker exec -i envmanager-mongo-1 sh -c 'mongorestore --archive' < db.dump
  4. run docker-compose down
  5. run docker-compose up -d
  6. go to the http://localhost:3002

Setup run server with internal authentication

This method allow to use internal authentication configuration

  1. Go to undized folder
  2. Modify docker-compose.yml, uncomment the next line and put your password line 68 # CREATE_DEFAULT_ADMIN: put_here_your_secure_password
  3. run docker-compose up -d and wait until all done
  4. modify docker-compose.yml again, comment the next line line 68 # CREATE_DEFAULT_ADMIN: put_here_your_secure_password
  5. run docker exec -i envmanager-mongo-1 sh -c 'mongorestore --archive' < db.dump
  6. run docker-compose down
  7. run docker-compose up -d
  8. go to the http://localhost:3002
  9. Login with and your password