

Start getting benefits from first day

Save up to 70% for each VM! Regular price for standard DEV environment D13 v2 is 771 USD (Central US) for 730h per month. Using LCS scheduler we can setup it for works only working hours (10h per day) = 220 h per month.

Servers cost

Regular price for standard DEV environment D13 v2 is 771 USD (Central US) for 730h per month. Using LCS scheduler we can setup it for works only working hours (10h per day) = 220 h per month. This means we save 70% for each VM!

Size Processor Cores Memory max IOPS R.Price Good schedule Benefit
e8 v3 Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8370C 8 64 12800 425 128 297
D13 v2 Intel® Xeon® 8171M 2.1 GHz 8 56 25600 540 162 378

Developer time

One additional thing - this is developers. For run VM each developer each day spend 30 minutes of work time. We can setup schedule to save his time and get more productivity to our business.